I have spent the better part of the last month packing, painting, having a hard time breathing due to the completely overwhelming amount of clutter, arguing with whoever is here about this house being a mess, browsing Pinterest way too late at night, feeling completely disheveled and counting down the sleeps with Ben until we finally have a little more room to live.
It has been a long month. I don't really handle clutter very well, so it has been interesting around here.
I actually lost Blake this morning.
And we were home.
Ben and I were sprinting through the place for what felt like a full minute, but was most likely about 10 seconds until I found Blake standing by the toilet holding the remote over his head.
That kid scares me. Not because he is bad...but because he, unlike me, is just not scared.
I think Ben was more excited that we found the remote than the fact that we found Blake, and I wanted to yell at someone for leaving the bathroom door open while the happy wanderer was awake, but with this apartment looking like it does right now, it's really hard to specifically call out anyone so I didn't even bother.