An oldie, but a goodie...
Dear Ben and Blake,
I was watching you play tonight at YaYa and PaPa's house when I was there to pick you up after work and I couldn't help it...all I could do was stare at you. You both bounced from one thing to the next with such purpose and at the same time with no care in the world. You made each other laugh, you ran in circles, you played dice at the table and you mimicked each other. You gave me hugs, you asked how my day was, and you softened the blow of what was honestly, one of the most mentally and emotionally challenging weeks I have had in a long long time.
All I wanted to do was bottle every bit of happiness you exude right up. All I wanted to do was figure out how to keep you small, to keep you laughing, to keep you as free as you were...and as you usually are.
But, despite my best efforts, I can't do any of that.
I cannot stop you from growing up. I cannot promise you won't have a week from hell, that your feelings won't get hurt, that your heart won't get broken, that you won't bat last in the lineup, that you won't feel defeated and that you won't get knocked down a few pegs every now and then.