I am annoying the bejesus out of myself this week. My level of annoyance with myself is so high that it rivals the annoyance caused by walking into the laundry room to find a pair of jeans on the floor right next to the hamper. Right. Freaking. Next to it. You were so close! You were in the right room! You made it all the way to the hamper! You couldn't have just gone the extra mile and extended your arm about 2 inches before dropping the jeans from your grasp?
Ah! I need to focus! This is not about other people being annoying, it is about me being annoying.
Focusing really shouldn't be that hard but for some reason, I have zero ability to focus this week. I have interrupted my own projects so many times that nearly every single thing I have attempted to do can be considered a project. Pour the kids a cup of juice? No big deal. Well, no big deal if I wouldn't have stopped to read a message from work, realized that I need to take out the garbage, started trying to figure out where the stench in the kitchen is coming from since it seemed to be coming from somewhere other than the trash, cleaned off the sticky spot on the counter that I found as I walked towards to the sink to see if it was the smelly culprit, grabbed my phone again to add counter top cleaner to the grocery list, done a mental check of what day of the week it was and who got paid when this week, and...