They are 5 and 2...
And they call me Mom.
They fall down and get back up. They do super cool things that they want me to watch (over and over and over). They are thirsty. They need a snack. They have to go to the bathroom every night after they lay down in bed. They play EVERY sport in my living room and knock over only the things that are breakable. They build the coolest train tracks and incorporate road construction into every set up. They put Wet Floor signs in the bathroom EVERY morning when I get out of the shower and they have a stop light in their playroom. They have basketball hoops on every floor and show me replays of every shot they make. They still like Gangnam Style. They think I'm funny...
And they call me Mom.
They changed me in ways that I didn't realize were possible. They shifted my focus. They opened my eyes. They softened my judgements. They made the snow more fun. They made getting stopped by trains enjoyable. They made me look at everything in a different light...
And they call me Mom.
They are 5 and 2, and they have impacted me in ways I never knew I needed. They share quirks that I have no idea where they got them from. They translate for each other. They always want to win and they make EVERYTHING a competition. They throw the same fits. They console each other when they are sad. They both hate almost everything I make for dinner. They go from fighting each other to a powerhouse of a team in less time than I have to even understand why they were fighting...
And they call me Mom.
They need me to be there for them. They need me to wash their clothes, make their food, pour them more juice, and wipe their tears. They need me to plan fun outings and then follow them through. They need me to ask about their day and they need me to listen. They need me to answer their questions and calm their fears. They need me to have a reason for everything. They need me to teach them how to write. They need me to help with their homework. They need me to help them tie their shoes. They need me to play games that make no sense and they need me to teach them rules. They need me to let them have their space and to smother them with hugs...
And they call me Mom.
They taught me about life. They made me want to live every moment. They made me appreciate their dad in ways that make me love him more than words can even say. They bow their heads down to you when you ask them for kisses. They hug like their dad. They make me stop and look at sunrises and sunsets. They question the moon. They find the happiness in the little things...
And they call me Mom.
In a world where we are all in a rush, they slow me down. They ask me to sit. They want to play the game again. They like to snuggle. They want me to read. They love bedtime. They are happy when it's time to wake up because they are happy to have a new day. They like to eat dinner outside. They like to know everything. They want me to sleep in their room "just tonight..."
And they call me Mom.
They need me to make choices for them. They need me to allow them to make their own. They need me to make time for their friends, and time for themselves. They need me to make sure they are healthy. They need me to keep track of their schedules and to get them there on time. They need me to work so that they can live the life they deserve and they need me to be present when work is over...
And they call me Mom.
They exhaust me. They give me the burst of energy I need. They trust me. They ask me all of the questions. They make me question myself. They make me feel like I have all of the answers. They make me wonder if I'm doing any of this right. They make me not want to mess them up. They make me terrified at the real world. They make me appreciate innocence. They say embarrassing things at unfortunate times and they don't know why my face is red...
They aren't the only reason I exist, but they are the reason I exist better. They are the reason that I will always try to be the most and why I won't ever quit...
And they call me Mom.
So what, exactly, is in a name?
Absolutely everything.
Every. Little. Thing.
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